Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Highly Anticipated Troy Strawberry Festival

Every year, during the first weekend of June, I have a huge grin and an even bigger belly. I grew up in a southwest Ohio town known as Troy. Each year they host the Strawberry Festival. It is like Christmas for those of us who grew up there. There is so much great food and you get to see friends you haven't seen in a while. Troy is one of those towns where you are destined to run into anyone and everyone you know...whether you want to or not.

The Strawberry Festival is my excuse to indulge in all that is fried, sweet, name it. They have strawberry popcorn, strawberry salsa, fried strawberries and more. My most favorite things of all are the strawberry donuts. They are AMAZING and soooo worth the sometimes hour plus wait. They are just strawberry cake donuts with a yummy glaze best eaten warm right out of the fryer. Maybe what makes them so appealing and oh-so-yummy are the fact that you can only get them once a the Strawberry Festival.

Every year, it is generally the same thing. Friday night you watch the bed races, go to the local downtown bars and get some absolute strawberry shots with family and friends and catch up with everyone else who came to town for this wonderful event. Then saturday afternoon you head to the levy by the river and INDULGE!

I get the same things. I begin by waiting in the long line, drooling and anticipating the sweet heaven that is those strawberry donuts. Then I get a texas tenderloin with mustard pickles and onions. I usually pair that up with some greasy fair fries with salt and vinegar. My mom always gets the chicken dinner which is awesome (I end up eating half of it). I then stop at the booth that my favorite teacher of all time (6th grade social studies, Mr. Barret. Funniest nicest guy in the world). In between all of that I enjoy free samples of popcorn and salsa and gulp down the wonderful strawberry lemon shake-ups. If I'm not too sick yet I get chocolate covered strawberries and strawberry shortcake. :):):)

I shall take you on a tour of the good eats that is Troy, Ohio

The sinful absolute strawberry shot. A strawberry soaked in absolute and my family have made a tradition of having too many of these.

This is such a "Tarrah" snack it's ridiculous! A jalepeno cheese stuffed pretzel from the bar Dunaways

Dunaways is known for its pizza. My cousin got the pepperoni (boring!). I got the white pizza with spinach...delish!

Alas, victory is mine, strawberry donuts are in my possession! (I apologize for the blurry photos...I may have been too excited)

My texas tenderloin...mmm...grease!

Moms chicken

Cheesecake is in my top 3 favorite foods. This cheesecake with fresh strawberries and whipped cream is to die for!

They had strawberry cupcakes! I've been making strawberry cupcakes a lot lately and was on the verge of exploding at this point so I didn't have any but I'm sure they were fabulous!

Man I wish I had room for funnel cake!

I'm sure it goes without saying that I usually leave the Strawberry Festival having gained a significant amount of weight...but is it worth it? OH YES! Come to think of it...I have some strawberry donuts in the freezer...yay! :)



  1. This looks like so much fun! I love fair/festival food and I love strawberries...I would have been in heaven! And, I must know how in the world that strawberry popcorn is made because it sounds amazing!

  2. i am literally drooling over this post. YUM! definitely worth the extra pound or two :)


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